Expatriate Health Care

Friday 11 March 2011

UK Immigration Alert! Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) requests for 2011–12: deadline TODAY, Friday 11 March - http://bit.ly/i1cfwE

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Expatriate Health Cover / Insurance Essentials

International health-insurance is essential in the battle for hearts and minds of expatriate employees relocated overseas.

To safeguard expatriates (individuals being relocated overseas), health care is a major consideration. Many parts of the world have health care standards as good as, possibly better than the UK, but there are places, with poor standards health-wise, where one can end up.

Employees must to make sure they have all the facts regarding health care in the country they’re travelling to, before the actual relocation takes place.

And employers must ensure that the reuired systems are in place should they fall ill or have a medical emergency overseas.

Essentially, people being relocated must sort out health insurance – and the medical insurance they choose may depend upon both their individual needs and those of family members.

Domestic coverage is insufficient as it does just that. Covers your medical needs at home – so it’s unlikely to cover emergency medical evacuation from a foreign country etc.

When choosing international medical insurance other things to consider are prescription-drug coverage and wellness.

While some plans cover almost every eventuality – flying employees home in required – they may not cover routine examinations and check-ups. Employees who’re likely to require this service need to check it is covered in their policy.

Monday 22 June 2009

Overcoming barriers to international relocation

Although the expatriate assignment package has been trimmed back in recent years as organisations strive to become more competitive, the contents still provide a number of benefits that aim to encourage employees and their families to relocate abroad. Sue Shortland explains.

When employees and their families are asked to relocate abroad, the prospect of living in a foreign country may seem daunting, even overwhelming. The reality of an expatriate lifestyle is far removed from dreams of tax-free income and life by the pool. Setting up one’s home and functioning effectively as a family during times of upheaval requires considerable employer support. As we’ll see, expatriate policies do typically provide a wide range of benefits to help families settle down, and for employees to become as productive as possible quickly.

Read the full article at Overcoming barriers to international relocation

The Rise and Rise of Female Expatriates

Women’s participation in international mobility is on the up. Today, just under 17% of expatriates are female. Sue Shortland charts their progress in the international arena, and outlines what companies might do to increase gender diversity yet further.

Back in the early 1980s, very little was written about female expatriates – because there were simply too few to write about. Nancy Adler 1, a North American academic, set the scene by studying women’s perceptions and desires to take international assignments. She estimated that only three per cent of the expatriate population of the early 1980s was female. Research conducted in the UK by ORC 2 a decade later indicated that the number of women expatriates stood at only five per cent.

See full article at The rise and rise of female expatriates

Current Recruitment Trends within the Expatriate Market

Since the beginning of the economic downturn, and most notably in the last 3 months, we have seen an increase in the number of requirements for tax focused expatriate specialists. This has been apparent across all sectors and is in line with a more general need to ensure tax efficient reward planning for domestic and international employees. This has become particularly prevalent in the current market, where organisations are looking for ways to ensure costs are kept to a minimum and processes remain streamlined and efficient.

For the full news item see "Current Recruitment Trends within the Expatriate Market"